Analytical Engine – the name calls for attention! True. This was the title of the show recently held at Bose Pacia in Kolkata curated by Heidi Fichtner with a purpose to give you an idea about the expanded domain of art that no more remain confined to the clichéd tenets of aesthetics and techniques applied to create and express art. Let's not get into the unnecessary jugglery of words or even beat around the bush with the lame excuse that it wasn't our cup of tea.
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Analytical Engine (Bose Pacia, Jan 24-Feb 20) is that creature too scarcely and fleetingly glimpsed in India: an intelligently curated show, bringing together, under a single but complex idea, the very diverse work of ten contemporary artists. It is a difficult show, and Heidi Fichtner's curatorial note does not make it any easier. But this is the right kind of difficulty — compelling us to look, think and connect, and then keep looking and thinking. And perhaps to go back home, do some more thinking, reading and connecting, and then allow ourselves to look at the world a little differently — the one 'out there' as well as inside our heads, and the one that we call, or hesitate to call, art
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"Bose Pacia's current exhibition Analytical Engine curated by Heidi Fichtner focuses on intriguing and sophisticated art work created by harnessing both painstakingly traditional as well as cutting edge technology at a time when any technology becomes obsolete in 12 months. Kiran Subbaiah's "computer virus" demonstrates how what we consider the frontiers of art and our concept of aesthetics are being challenged all the time in this age, when, as they say, one can be certain of impermanence alone"…
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Art has always been about pushing boundaries and reinventing definitions. As a rare occasion where art in its most experimental form, was showcased was at the opening of an exhibition cum installation entitled Analytical Engine at Bose Pacia Gallery on January 24. The exhibition was curated by Heidi Fichtner. With kitsch and deconstruction as undercurrents and recurring themes, the exhibition drew a sizeable crowd of city art enthusiasts eager to quench their thirst for the experimental.
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